Everyone loves a snow photograph! Probably because we don’t get to see that much snow here in the UK. The last couple of times we’ve had snow, I had work on, or editing to catch up on so I didn’t really get to ‘play’. But this time I was all caught up and just prepping for my extremely busy March and for once, the weather forecast was right; well sort of. Everywhere got snow like they said it would and the ‘beast from the east’ really did take over some parts of the UK. Those of you who follow my facebook page saw that I was on a mission on my ‘snow day’…read on to see if that mission was accomplished!
As you know, I’m a member of the Guild of Photographers and I’m in several photography community groups on facebook, and as the snow started to hit certain parts of the UK, I was becomingly increasingly inspired by some of the stunning snow photographs that were appearing in my newsfeed, especially the frozen bubbles. Yep – frozen bubbles! They looked amazing and I needed to get out there and see if I could do this myself. I had already researched that the temperature needed to be around -4 degrees and I knew I had a stash of bubbles in my prop collection, from my CakeSmash sessions. All the neighbours were out at work, so I could go out into my garden and blow bubbles as much as I wanted without people thinking I was too crazy, right? Wrong. After 1 hour of trying my bubbles were flying everywhere in the wind except onto my snow covered wall where I had set up the perfect backdrop, and my fingers were freezing, quite literally. Then in true UK weather style, blue sky appeared so I figured it was time to do some more adult things like admin work and preparation for my newborn shoot this weekend.
Lunchtime came and we’d had more snowfall and the sky was stunning with the sun trying to shine through the blankets of snow. It was too warm for bubbles but you can’t beat freshly fallen snow so I took a walk out in the local neighbourhood to have a play with some macro shooting before all the school children’s footprints appeared and the peace was disturbed!