You are not alone!
Being pregnant during a world pandemic is pretty scary, let’s be honest. Whether you have only just found out your incredible news, or you are due to give birth in the coming days or weeks, we are all in this together and it’s important to remember you are not alone. Whilst I am unable to work in my studio during the lockdown in the UK, I wanted to still be able to serve my local audience and clients, so I have set up a facebook group, specifically for those who are pregnant and in isolation. The group is called ‘Locked Up & Knocked Up – Isolation Support for Pregnant Ladies’. A little tongue in cheek for the name, but if we don’t have a laugh every now and then, the world can become a very dark and depressing place! This has grown into a wonderful little community of gorgeous pregnant ladies in and around Cambridgeshire, all of whom are incredibly supportive towards one another and new friendships are blossoming daily!
Yes, but this is a group with a difference. I set this group up with the intention of creating a safe space for mummies to be. A place they can come to share their worries, and connect with others following thier own pregnancy journey through this time. I have also connected with many local baby businesses, who have very kindly offered free taster sessions and classes, Question and Answer Sessions, discounts and so much information – all for free! I am very grateful to those who are already involved, and if you are a local baby business and would like to get involved, please do contact me for a chat.
Here is a timetable of events for the next fortnight. If you would like to join our group to access these, you can request access here. Please note, if you do not answer the questions upon request, you will not be permitted into the group, this is so I can ensure the group remains a safe place to be, and we can keep it as local as possible. This will be updated as more businesses offer their expertise, so keep coming back to check for updates!
This group is open to all ladies in Cambridgeshire, who are at any stage in their pregnancy. Some of our community have already had their babies since joining, and they have been able to share their positive birth experiences with the rest of the group, which is really encouraging for others to hear. If you are a Mummy to be and would like to join, follow this link. If you are a local baby business who would like to join the group and offer some of your time to our community, please do get in touch and we can discuss ideas.
Links to businesses who have already offered taster sessions, virtual parties and expert advice:
Nicola Ashby – NJ Fitness and Massage – https://www.facebook.com/njfitnessandmassage/
Claire Stemp – Baby Bird Midwifery – www.babybirdmidwiferyteam.co.uk
Claire Peak – The Daisy Foundation – Huntingdon, St Ives and Ramsey – https://www.facebook.com/DaisySt.Ives.Huntingdon
Zoe Smith – Usborne Books – https://org.usbornebooksathome.co.uk/ReadingWithArthur
Deborah Loza – Hypnobirthing / Baby Massage Instructor – https://www.facebook.com/debsBeautifulBirth/
Tania Bryant – Tania Fitness for pre and post natal fitness – https://www.facebook.com/TaniaFitnessMummies/
Nikki Feller – Mummas and Beans Cambridgeshire – https://www.facebook.com/Nikkilouatmummasandbeans/
The Little Sensory Box – https://www.thelittlesensorybox.com/
Emma Green – Body Shop At Home – https://www.facebook.com/groups/301057966621821/